David is the co-creator and consultant at TATVA. He started his career in mental health in the UK over thirty years ago, in a community based project giving counselling, advice and information. For the past nineteen years he has been an international psychotherapist, supervisor, trainer, lecturer, consultant and coach. He has helped establish and manage a number of non-profits, private, community and residential mental health services in Europe, Africa and Asia. His goal is to continue helping people through his experiences, knowledge and research. He is dedicated to furthering mental health awareness through therapy and education and is especially interested in working with diverse cultures in various settings.
Kripi is a psychologist, experiential psychotherapist and mental health advocate with a Masters in Clinical Psychology with an International Certification in Addiction Counselling and Training.​ She has worked with​ adolescents, adults, couples and families with multi-disciplinary teams of international mental health professionals, from varied cultures and therapeutic backgrounds. She facilitates addiction treatment and general mental health training workshops in the South Asian and South East Asian regions; including Bhutan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Thailand including her role as a Regional Resource Training Coordinator in India. Kripi is an existentially inclined psychotherapist and a poet who promotes and facilitates the reciprocal connection and relationship between creativity and psychotherapy with respect, openness and vulnerability. She is the co-founder of the PTSI (Poetry Therapy Society of India) and SAETA (South Asian Existential Therapy Alliance)

Prachi is a design graduate from The Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore. She has spent over 3 years transforming businesses through human centered design. Her interests lie in creating systematic structures and design tools as an agent to enable, establish behaviours and create change in individuals and collectives. Her experience in the field of design and business strategy clubbed with her inclination to the field of mental health enables her to make an indelible dent in cultural and societal norms. Prachi is TATVA's brand identity designer and manager.